Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Heartless Records Logo

Yet ANOTHER logo for Tyrant, haha. As you can see...we've been busy lately.

Young-N-Heartless Logo

Another logo I did for Young Tyrant.

Noisy Youth Entertaintment Logo

Also, here is a logo I did for my dude Tyrant. I actually drew this on paper back in high school, haha. But I made it come to life tonight using photoshop. Enjoy.

Vote Fa Tyrant Vol 2.-Who Want It? Mixtape Cover

Cover I just got done putting together for my dude Young Tyrant (TY). Me, him and other members of his group have been working very hard to get this mixtape done in time for Thunder Over Louisville (which is this Saturday). All the tracks are done, so now all we have to do is wait for them to get printed up. God willing, the should be done in time.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Here's an image I did for myself. I needed a new facebook profile this is the outcome.

ISPIT! Music Ent. Logo

This here is a logo I did for Danny Myers as well. I think we're both pretty happy about the outcome of this one.

Danny Myers-Homicidal Recitals

A mixtape cover I did for my dude Danny out on the west coast. He was very pleased with the outcome of my designs. Hopefully we have many more projects in the future.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Kilo Designs-Purple

Haven't really posted too much I decided to put something together to tonight to post. More stuff to come later this week.