Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

2 T-Shirt Designs

I did these for a faithful customer out in Michigan.

3rd Regiment Myspace Banner

New Facebook Profile Pic

Just needed a new profile pic, so I did this. Came out pretty nice I think.

B.S.T. Myspace Banner

"Go Hard or Go Home" Mixtape Cover

I did this for DJ Wheezy out in Memphis, TN.

Friday, June 6, 2008

3rd Regiment Mixtape Cover

Did this for a group out of Nashville Tennessee called 3rd Regiment.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Another Myspace Layout

This is a music page I did for a friend of mine, YNH member M. Porter.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Myspace Layout

This is a myspace page layout that I just got done doing for myself. I have to admi it turned out pretty nice.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Nike Box

Here is an image I did of a nike shoe box. Someone on needed this done, so I whipped this up for them real fast.

I Love Detroit T-Shirt Template

Here is a t-shirt design I did for a guy out in Detroit. I made it exactly to his specifications.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Heartless Records Logo

Yet ANOTHER logo for Tyrant, haha. As you can see...we've been busy lately.

Young-N-Heartless Logo

Another logo I did for Young Tyrant.

Noisy Youth Entertaintment Logo

Also, here is a logo I did for my dude Tyrant. I actually drew this on paper back in high school, haha. But I made it come to life tonight using photoshop. Enjoy.

Vote Fa Tyrant Vol 2.-Who Want It? Mixtape Cover

Cover I just got done putting together for my dude Young Tyrant (TY). Me, him and other members of his group have been working very hard to get this mixtape done in time for Thunder Over Louisville (which is this Saturday). All the tracks are done, so now all we have to do is wait for them to get printed up. God willing, the should be done in time.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Here's an image I did for myself. I needed a new facebook profile this is the outcome.

ISPIT! Music Ent. Logo

This here is a logo I did for Danny Myers as well. I think we're both pretty happy about the outcome of this one.

Danny Myers-Homicidal Recitals

A mixtape cover I did for my dude Danny out on the west coast. He was very pleased with the outcome of my designs. Hopefully we have many more projects in the future.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Kilo Designs-Purple

Haven't really posted too much I decided to put something together to tonight to post. More stuff to come later this week.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Ludacris X Andy Warhol

I made this using a digital drawing of rapper Ludacris that I have been working on for a few days. I originally did it in black and white, so I decided to arrange it in a colorful style similar to the famous Andy Warhol paintings.

(click to enlarge the thumbnail is very pixelated)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"D-Boy" Fitted Hat Template

A template I made for a customer interested in having this hat made. Made completely from scratch in photoshop.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Another Character of Me

I've been having fun doing this lately, so I decided to go ahead and post another version of a character I did of myself. I would also like to state, that when I do these, I do them at a fairly fast pace. Not because I'm in a rush, just because I feel things flow out more naturally if you just go with your instincts and draw/paint things with speed. Not to discredit any artist who takes their time and pays very close attention to detail (which I do when doing work for clients).

Haitian Organization for the Development of Haiti

Here are some t-shirt designs I did for a customer out in New York. They will be used to be printed on t-shirts and sold to raise money to construct a cement wall to help contain the overflow of water that runs through a town in Haiti that he grew up in.
Front Image:
Back Image:
Front Image:
Back Image:
Also, here are some sampled I had done for him early into the project just to show him a few different affects that were possible.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Character of ME

An image I did last night messing around with with the pen tool. I think it came out pretty nice, even though I made myself look kind of old, haha.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

No...You're Not Having Deja Vu

Yes this IS another Jessica Alba image AND another "rainbow" type effect. What can I say? When I get bored at work, this is what ends up happening. I'm just trying to master this type of effect. Nothing wrong with that right? I just know girls will like this kind of stuff, and it's my way of sayin "hey, i can do stuff for you all too" lol

.....and no, I'm not infatuated with Jessica Alba. She just seems to have alot of good quality pictures floating around the internet.

Messing Around With Some Text Effects

With these images below I was just testing out a "glass" and "bead" effect. Both made from scratch. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! As always, click the images to enlarge them.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

"Lady Liberty"

A peice I did today just messing around with overlays and things of that nature. Enjoy.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Pink Chick

Still bored, and this is what happens..........

Hoopz Spectrum

Bored again, just messing around with this image.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"Creepy Eye" peice I've been working on.

Bored, so I started working on this for a while....and this is the result.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Tabbitha Blue

I'm sure it's quite obvious from my blog entries that I haven't had very many I have to display what I can for the time being.

Here is an image I did of my girlfriend. Messing around with a "water ripple" type affect.

Image of me and my girlfriend at Prestigious in Atlanta

Here all I did was take away the background colors to focus on just us two. Simple.
(photo taken by Devin "Fully Equipped")